Jan 12, 2009

Competitive v's Creative

Creating means that, there is an abundant supply and economics
supply or demand doesn't affect the dynamics of your response
as a business owner. As an entrepreneur, you aren't concern with
the rivals or competition yet, you see them as your allies and not
foes. You are not ripping up your prices, and running sharp bargains.
You aren't making your product(s) to be worth much less than the
materials used in making it nor are you doing 2 for the price
slashing of 1, if it is not feasible to do so. Think of where
you are right now!

Competitive is the complete opposite of creative, consequently,
competition is expected in capitalist world or mindset of
imperialistic people. Competitive behavior is deadly, it doesn't
create, it destroys. It is a bittering tool to make one feel
superior at another's expense. It permeates scarcity and lack.
Did you ever feel competitive in high school or college even in
sports? Yes, we all have. We change our language, actions and
even associations to make this competitiveness become real.
The most important thing to know about competitive behavior
is that it does not grow the person spiritually nor
does it make them rich in the end.

Richness is never money, it is life and this is only apparent in
creative expression. So, be creative and see yourself becoming


Jan 7, 2009

Several Reason To Start A Business

Ok, so you are feeling grimmed by the economic woes, and
uncertaintyof the future. Or maybe you are just listening to
the news way too much in the world.Whether good or bad, great
ideas will stand the test of time as long as you believe
in your dreams and stick to it.

I have been an entrepreneur for 8 years and have been
mentored by Corporation CEO'S for 14 years of my professional
life. One thing that is consistent thoroughout bad times are
the "survival of the fittest". Never giving in to the hype
- I am after all a Marketing and Business Analyst.

Where are all my creative people- simply creating!
Where are all my skeptics, -simply being afraid.

Dare to Dream!