Growing in a community garden is more than just putting seeds into the ground and saying let's go! Rather this process involves the organization of a green-team and the composting expertise of avid gardeners. In the case of the High Street Veterans Community Garden,(HSVCG, the foreman, Micheal Gould and several Committee members organized a preparation day involving delivery of compost materials to the plots.
Before any seeds is dispersed, the soil must be tested and evaluated for any lack of nutrients. In any case, it never hurts to add compost every year due to snow and salt damage to the plots that once flourished in your garden beds last year. The tools needed to make this process go smoothly would consist of wheelbarrow, cart, recyclable brown bags, shovels, towels, tarp, measuring yard stick and watering can.
Step1, Deliver the compost to the plot area using wheelbarrow, buckets or carts to aid in the heavy lifting that is required to get near your space.
Step2, Using a yard stick measure the square footage of your plot and add 16 inches depth with the shovel.
Step3, Using the trowel, evenly spread the compost across the plot and mix the pre-existing soil up with the nutrient filled compost based soil.
Step4, Remember to have the water can handy to add moisture to the mixture and help the chemical reaction.